Egg Incubators / Hatcher Combined Systems
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£644.83 |
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Comfortplast Cages are computer designed and manufactured with long lasting high quality material. Mesh structure is manufactured with full Polypropylene (PP) plastic material and no need for fixing materials to assembly.
Power-washable & rust-proof stacking grow out pen is perfect for rearing teen quail, pheasants, partridge, or small game birds. This side and back of the pullet housing is completely closed to keep the heat for an ideal tempreture, the feeder has a closed lid to prevent any escape, housing system will reduce the loss of game birds to a minimum. This unit will ensure your birds grow up safely before joining the flock. To prevent bird wetting, closed nipple drinker cups receive clean, algae-free water from the water tank above. Height-adjustable drinker cups create a comfortable experience for growing teens. To prevent foot problems, flooring is slightly larger than the brooder yet smaller than the adult pens. The unit boasts lockable wheels and an improved door locking system to prevent escapees. Red feed grill covers are included to eliminate the flinging of feed, thus saving money. To remove waste efficiency, there are deep manure trays. Recommended for homesteaders, hatcheries, nurseries, poultry scientists, laboratories, agriculturists, breeders, hobbyists, urban farmers and commercial farmers. Add layer additions at any time to expand your production! Capacity
Cage Structure