Crescentquail - Your Online Quail Supply Store, Quail Cage in UK
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 Customer Service»   FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

    • What are the features and benefits of My Account?

      When you sign up for an account with crescentquail, you'll have access to some exclusive features only available to you! You'll be able to view your Order History for any order you place while signed in to your account. From there you can view the full order details, and track your order.

    • I forgot/want to change my password. How can I reset my password?

      No problem! If you forgot your Account password, just click on the link that says "Forgot Your Password" upper right of our website. From there, we'll walk you through the simple process to reset your password.

    • How do I sign up for a Gift Reminder?

      Coming Soon

    • How can I add a contact to my Address Book?

      Coming Soon

    • I forgot to sign in to My Account while placing an order. Can you add this order to My Account?

      We're sorry to say that we're not able to add orders under your Account once it has already been placed. Not to worry - you can still track your order, and you will (of course) still receive an order confirmation! You just won't be able to view this order under your Order History when you're logged in to your My Account page.

    • Housing & Cages Systems  
      • Since the Comfortplast cage has wheels, can I move it whenever I want?

        Never move the cage with live birds and when the manure trays are full.

        If the cage is to be moved, it must be empty and all manure trays must be removed.

      • What should I do to set up my cage exactly right?

        - Use the Assembly Guide that comes with the package.

        - Also, be sure to watch the Assembly Video on the product page.

        - If the Assembly Guide does not appear in the package (it can happen very rarely), you can dowloand all the necessary documents from the "Product Instructions" tab on the product page.

      • What happens if I setup the Comfortplast cages incorrectly without following the instructions?

        - The pieces do not fit together, if you force them, they will break.

        - Sections do not fit the intermediate panels, the holes seem to not fit,

        - A structure whose integrity is not complete and parts do not fit properly may occur,

        - Feeders do not fit, so the doors do not open fully,

        - Legs do not fully adapt to the body,

        - Many parts of your cage may be damaged.

        - For this reason, the cost of spare parts arises.

      • What should the floor on which the Comfortplast cages stand on?

        We recommend having a completely flat floor.

        Washable flat floors should be preferred.

        The floor must be absolutely level. Do not try leveling the cage this is the incorrect method.

      • What happens if I don't use my cage on a flat surface?

        - The lattice integrity begins to deteriorate,

        - Bends can be seen on the base frame and side legs,

        - Wheelhouses can break,

        - If the ground is too inclined, it forces the body to separate at the cage connection points.

        - Your maintenance and repair costs increase.

      • Can I combine cages?

        Our cage layers give you the flexibility to design your own system. You can design a stage of life system with brooder, grow out pen and adult layers or you can design a system for adult partridge and adult quail. This desing allows you to grow different types on a single block and save space.

        You and click on each product you want to order, set up an account and pay online, or you can call 020 8591 2900 or you can email us your full name, email, phone number, Shipping Address and Billing Address and we can create a Draft Order and send you an Invoice to pay through the paylink.

      • What breeds fit in the Quail Cages?

        Fits a variety of breeds: Coturnix, Bobwhite, California, Japanese, King, Blue Scale, Gambel's & more.

        Not designed for Chinese Painted (Button Quail)

      • How many quail fit in the Quail Cages?

        The number may vary according to the quail types. On average, each layer can hold 13-21 quails.

        The maximum number of floors is 5.

      • What breeds fit Partridge Cages?

        Grey Partridge : The grey partridge is a medium-sized bird with a distinctive orange face. Flies with whirring wings and occasional glides, showing a chestnut tail.

        Red-legged Partridge : The red-legged partridge is a gamebird in the pheasant family Phasianidae of the order Galliformes, gallinaceous birds.

        Chukar : Eurasian partridge similar to the red-legged partridge, but with a call like a clucking domestic hen!

      • How many birds fit in Partridge Cages?

        On average, each layer can hold 9-12 partridge.
        Each layer consists of 3 sections and it is recommended to put at least 1 male and 2 female partridges in each section.

        The maximum number of floors is 4.

      • What is the hole size for the Red Feed Grills that go on top of Feeder?

        The holes are 19mm x 19mm

      • What is the floor hole size for the Quail Cage?

        The holes are 12.7mm x 12.7mm

      • What is the floor hole size for the Partridge Cage?

        The holes are 12.7mm x 22.23mm

      • Can I change/swap the inner floor in my cages?

        Yes, but you must contact us before placing the order online. Please contact us at 020 8591 2900 or email:

      • What flooring can be used for Jumbo Quail?

        Very important : All cages have been created in accordance with bird species, according to the best possibilities as a result of zootechnical engineering work. The seller and the manufacturer cannot be held responsible for making changes in the structures of the cages by using different parts and for any problems that may arise.

        Partridge flooring is recommended for jumbo quail in the quail cage. You will need to call customer support and ask about swapping the quail floors for the partridge floors.

        There is a fee per floor to swap out and an additional floor swap fee as well as the cage price.

      • What is the floor hole size for the Chick Brooder (CB25), the Grow Out (Pullet) (GL25) cages?

        The holes are 9.5mm X 9.5 mm

      • Can I change / swap the walls on quail cage (BYK series) to make an open wall hutch style qual cage?

        The side walls (BS_K0064) that come standard with the quail cages (BYK series) do not have an opening. Each section on a layer is closed off to each other.

        We can swap the standard quail cage walls with (BS_K0091) Middle Wall (Open Hutch Style) for Quail Cages if you want an open hutch style cage layer with the option for closing sections when breeding. There are 2 walls per each 3-section layer.

        Please contact us before placing the order online.
        Please call us Monday - Friday 10:00 am to 6:00 pm at 020 8591 2900 or email: to get the swap out fee and reduced product cost.

      • Where and What Temperature are the Chick Brooders supposed to be kept?

        The whole cage group is designed as indoor.

        The ideal temperature inside the chick brooder is 35-36 °C for layer breeds and 32-33 °C for meat breeds. The temperature discrepancy is because meat breeds are larger chicks that grow faster and create their own heat. The temperature should be lowered by 3 °C every week.

        Very important: The internal temperature should never fall below 22 degrees.

      • What can I do if water is stops flowing to drinker nipple cups?

        Water is gravity fed through the hoses to the nipples. To use, birds must peck at the nipple to release water.

        Depending on the situation and where it stops flowing, the solution can be simple.

        If water stops flowing to an individual drinker cup after set up or filling the tank, than the issue is often air trapped in the line.

        Press each plastic nipple until water flows out.

        If water suddenly stops flowing to an entire row or the entire system, the the issue is often debris and sediment build up overtime. Check the water filter inside the water tank, if it's unclean than remove the pipes and flush it clean.

    • Egg Incubators  
      • Which products are under warranty and for how long?

        Moving parts in all electric and egg incubators are under warranty. Warranty period is 1 year.

      • Can I get an additional warranty period for egg incubators?

        All our incubators have a 1 year warranty from date of purchase, if you wish to take advantage of a special 2 year warranty, please contact customer services on 020 8591 2900 or register online within 30 days of purchase.

        If you wish to extend your 2 year warranty for an extra year, you must contact us to extend your warrenty no later than 30 days prior to date of expiry and must be paid in full.

        The warranty covers all product faults with the exception of those attributed to intentional or accidental damage and/or reasonable wear and tear.

      • Are your egg incubators easy to use?

        No experience is required to use PRODI® models. You can monitor and manage machine functions from a single panel.

        All models are delivered to you together with the user manual, which includes information on hatching and machine use.

      • Is there an installation process for egg incubators?

        The products do not require any installation. The free parts are fixed to the machine with clips. It is sufficient to remove the fixing clips and plug the machine into the socket.

        Very important: Run your machine empty for at least 4 hours before loading eggs.

      • Can I use your incubators for incubation of different poultry?

        The models have specially designed development trays that you can use for different types of poultry. It is possible to use the development trays at the same time, even for eggs from different channels.

      • How to set the temperature in your egg incubators?

        The temperature setting is made from the digital controller on the control board and is very simple. The values required for different poultry are included in the user manual that comes with the machine.

      • Can the digital instruments used in your egg incubators be calibrated?

        PRODI® uses PID-controlled precision digitals in all its models. Temperature value measurement is made with an electronic sensor. The humidity and temperature controllers used have a calibration feature. This gives you the opportunity to work with the correct temperature values every season.

      • Does ventilation effect hatch rates?

        Yes, it can.

        The hatching unit should be at least 50cm from any wall and the other solid surfaces. There are vents on both the side and back of the unit as well as a fan for proper ventilation.

        If it’s too close, sufficient air flow may be blocked, increasing the carbon dioxide levels inside the hatcher.

        This could result in a lower hatch rate.

      • Do Incubators need ventilation?

        During incubation embryos produce carbon dioxide. Ventilation is required to remove carbon dioxide and maintain the correct oxygen levels.

        Ventilation is supplied automatically with a fan and adjustable air holes. Air holes are adjusted by turning the vent to increase/decrease the amount of air in/out. The amount of ventilation required will depend on egg size and quantity.

        - Never close air holes.

        - Always keep air holes fully open during hatching period.

        - Never breed animals in your incubation room.

        - Be sure incubation room is well ventilated.

      • Why doesn't the egg incubator reach the humidity level I want?

         - Check room humidity levels with a hygrometer!
         - Check the humidity tray inside the machine, if the room humidity level is below 50%, fill at least 1 channel of the humidity tray with water.

        Caution! Never fill humidity tray with cold water, must be room temperature.

         - Ventilation flaps may be too open, check them and close them a little.
         - Check the Humisonic reservoir water level.
         - The water level in the reservoir should be 1 or 2 cm above the Humisonic unit water level sensor.
         - Follow the instructions in the user manual!

        Caution! If the water level is below this level, the Humisonic unit will not produce enough moisture.

      • How often does the Humiconic replacement disk need to be changed?

        It depends on whether your area has soft water or hard water.

        Hard water causing lime build up. If your region has soft water the disk will last longer.

        Overall, we suggest every 6 months in regions with hard water or if you notice lime build up and every year in regions with soft water.

      • My egg incubator alarms constant, what should I do?
        Look at the screen of the digital control panel of the egg incubator. Take the action corresponding to the warning specified in the alarm list below.
        • Alr 1/3

          High Temperature Alarm

          In this case, the alarm will sound continuously. On a machine with all settings made correctly, this alarm will occur if the room temperature in which the egg incubator is located is higher than the recommended one. Keep out of direct sunlight.

          Ideal room temperature should be 18-25°C.

        • Alr 2/4

          Low Temperature Alarm

          In this case, the alarm will sound intermittently. In machines that will be used for the first time, you can hear this alarm before warming up. This alarm will stop automatically when the machine reaches the desired heating temperature.

          If this alarm occurs on a machine that is working and is loaded with eggs;
           - Door(s) may be left open,
           - The ventilation flaps may be too open,
           - the room temperature may have dropped below 18°C.

        • Alr 5

          High Humidity Alarm

          In this case, the alarm will sound continuously.

          If this alarm occurs on a machine that is running and loaded with eggs;
           - Check room humidity levels with a hygrometer!
           - Check the humidity tray inside the machine, if the room humidity level is above 50%, empty the water in the humidity tray completely.
           - Ventilation flaps may be closed, check, if needed open slightly.
           - The machine should be at least 70cm away from any wall, check.
           - Check the humidity level of the room where the machine is located and avoid high humidity. To prevent this, ventilate the room regularly.
           - Follow the instructions in the user manual!

          Caution! NEVER REMOVE HUMIDITY TRAY - will affect calibration.

        • Alr 6

          Low Humidity Alarm

          In this case, the alarm will sound continuously.

          If this alarm occurs on a machine that is running and loaded with eggs;
           - Check room humidity levels with a hygrometer!
           - Check the humidity tray inside the machine, if the room humidity level is below 50%, fill at least 1 channel of the humidity tray with water.

          Caution! Never fill humidity tray with cold water, must be room temperature.

           - Ventilation flaps may be too open, check them and close them a little.
           - Check the Humisonic reservoir water level.
           - The water level in the reservoir should be 1 or 2 cm above the Humisonic unit water level sensor.
           - Follow the instructions in the user manual!

          Caution! If the water level is below this level, the Humisonic unit will not produce enough moisture.

        • Alr 9

          Room Sensor High Temperature Alarm

          In this case, the alarm will sound intermittently
          This alarm will sound when the room temperature where the egg incubator is located is 28°C and above. Ventilate the room immediately, if necessary, cool the room with a cooling device.

        • Alr 10

          Room Sensor Low Temperature Alarm

          In this case, the alarm will sound intermittently
          This alarm sounds when the room temperature where the egg incubator is located is 18°C or below. You need to heat the room with an automatic heating device.

        • Alr 13

          Room Sensor High Humidity Alarm

          In this case, the alarm will sound intermittently
          This alarm sounds when the humidity level in the room where the egg incubator is located is 85%RH and above. To eliminate this problem, a dehumidifier that works automatically in the room is required.

          The ideal humidity level inside the room is 40%RH -60%RH.

        • Alr 14

          Room Sensor Low Humidity Alarm

          In this case, the alarm will sound intermittently
          This alarm sounds when the humidity level in the room where the egg incubator is located is 10%RH or less. To eliminate this problem, an automatically operating humidification device is required in the room.

          The ideal humidity level inside the room is 40%RH -60%RH.

      • I turned on the egg incubator with the power button, the digital display shows ERR1, what does that mean?

        This error represents the connection error between the temperature/humidity sensor inside the machine and the digital control panel. There could be several reasons for this error to occur!

        1. The Temperature/Humidity sensor inside the machine may be disconnected from the connection cable,
        2. The Temperature/Humidity sensor inside the machine may be connected to the connection cable, but the connection cable may have been disconnected from the digital control panel,
        3. All sockets are plugged in, the connection cable may be damaged.

        Solution suggestion;
        You can check items 1 and 2. This is an extremely easy task.
        You have checked the 1st and 2nd items, all connections are OK but the ERR1 error still persists, you can request a suitable connection cable for your machine by calling our 24/7 Technical Support at 07477 550 230.

    • Cutting & Plucking Systems  
      • Can I pluck more than one round of birds by purchasing a single plucking machine?

        Gamebird plucker can be used for plucking small birds such as quail, partridge, pheasant.

        You cannot pluck the feathers of chicken, turkey, goose-duck in one machine. Because each machine is designed for different bird species. Each machine has different types of plucker fingers, number of plucker fingers and their arrangement.

      • Are Plucker machines safe to use, is there a risk of electric shock when using water?

        It is extremely safe to use. Since the rotating disc inside the drum produces high power during operation, you should not put your hands into the machine while working.

        Our Plucker machines are made of food grade plastic material. The risk of electric shock, which is seen in many metal-bodied plucker machines, is reduced to 0.

      • Does the bird need to be scalded before plucking?

        Our plucker machines perform wet plucking. It is recommended to soak your birds for 1-2 minutes at a temperature of 60 - 75°C before plucking their feathers.

      • How long should the scalding time and temperature be for birds like goose and duck?

        Scalding temperature values & time;

        for quail, partridge and pheasant 60-65 C / 1 minute
        for chicken and turkey 60- 65 C / 1-2 minutes
        for goose and duck 65-75 C / 1-2 minutes

      • Do Plucker machines have an extra maintenance cost?

        The simple, yet powerful, patented motor design reduces friction within, thus eliminating the need for lubrication and expensive part replacements.

        The design reduces breakage within and eliminates the need for regular part replacements such as belts, gears, etc.

        Further, the simplicity of the design promotes cost savings by using 50% less electricity consumption that other units.

      • Are Plucker machines corrosion resistant?

        The best part about the plastic food grade drum and 100% natural rubber plucking fingers is that your birds will be plucked in a clean environment, thus reducing any chance of damage or contamination.

    • How can I place an order?

      You can place an order online any time at or by calling +44 (0) 208 591 2900 .

    • Do prices on your website include VAT?

      Yes, unless stated otherwise, all prices quoted on our website include VAT at the current rate.

    • Will I receive an order receipt/order confirmation?

      Yes. First, if you place your order online, you will see a confirmation page after you process your order. We recommend that you print this confirmation page and keep it for your records.

      We will also send you a confirmation email after you place your order, whether you order online or by phone. If you do not receive an order confirmation email, it is possible that your email address was entered incorrectly.

      Keep in mind that there may be a delay in the delivery of your order confirmation email.

    • What if I didn´t see a confirmation page and/or didn´t receive an email confirmation?

      If you didn´t receive any of the order confirmation messages, please call +44 (0) 208 591 2900 as soon as possible. We recommend that you do not attempt to submit the order again to avoid placing duplicate orders. One of our Customer Service Representatives will be able to assist you in determining if your order was successfully processed.

      If the order was not successfully placed, we will be able to take your order by phone at that time.

    • Can you resend me my order confirmation or invoice?

      Sure can!

      You can go to the CUSTOMER SERVICE area on our website and log in with your order number, check the status of your order on the page that opens, print your invoice or download it to your computer.

      If this is not possible just give us a call at +44 (0) 208 591 2900 and we will be happy to do that for you.

    • How can I cancel an order?

      To cancel your order, simply send us an e-mail by specifying your order number.

    • How will I know my goods have been dispatched?

      As soon as we've dispatched your order, you'll receive an email from us confirming the details of your purchase and the delivery method you've chosen. We'll point you in the right direction of tracking the progress of your delivery too.

    • Do I have to be at home when the delivery is made?

      It is best if you are in to accept the delivery. We will attempt to deliver if you are not present and the driver will determine the most appropriate positioning for your goods. With unattended deliveries, Crescentquail cannot accept any liability for theft, product deterioration or consequences arising from the positioning of your delivery.

      If you are not present at the delivery and the courier does not find the unattended delivery safe, he may take the product to its own warehouse for re-delivery. In this case, you may be charged an extra fee for re-delivery.

    • What happens if my order arrives damaged?

      Shipping damage is frustrating here's what you can do.
      Please notify your delivery driver upon receipt, ensuring they record it then contact us within 48 hours of delivery.

      We will need a description of the damages and pictures of the damaged items/packaging. This information is very helpful to us in assessing how we package our orders and helps prevent similar problems in the future. Replacements will be promptly arranged with Customer Care team.

      Please note: If the damages are not reported within 48 hours of delivery, you will be liable for the replacement costs.

    • How much does delivery cost?

      The delivery cost will vary depending on the size and weight of the item you ordered and the delivery region.

      You will be able to see the delivery fee at the checkout stage of the order.

    • Does crescentquail deliver overseas?

      Unfortunately, we do not offer delivery overseas at this time. We deliver to mainland UK, isles of England, Northern Ireland and Ireland only.

    • How can I track the status of my order?

      We'll email tracking details of your order to you along with your dispatch confirmation.

      You can Track Your Order online any time through the Customer Service section of our website using your order number.

      Enter your order number in the input field on the Customer Service page and press the continue button.

    • Do you deliver to PO or BFPO address's?

      Unfortunately, we are not able to deliver to those address types at this time.

    • Do you deliver to work address's?

      Yes, we can deliver to residential address's or places of employment. If you would like delivery to your place of work you will need to ensure that someone will be there to take receipt of the goods as the delivery company will deliver to the place not the person.

      Your EORI number is required for workplace deliveries and if purchasing under your business name to Northern Ireland and Ireland after Brexit.

      If you do not have an EORI number, delivery to a business address cannot be confirmed.

    • What payment methods do you accept?

      We DONOT accept American Express "AMEX" but all major credit card are wellcome.

    • When will my credit card be charged?

      Your credit card will be charged at the time the order is placed.

    • Is it safe to use my credit card online?

      Yes; we never send personal information, such as your credit card number, over the network in a way that is readable to anyone but us. We accept all Card Payments via our merchant service provider WORLDPAY online secure payment system using SSL (secure socket layer) technology.

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